Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Developing good interview skills

What are interview skills?
If you have applied for a job, you may be asked to go for an interview where you will be asked in more detail about your skills, experience and reasons for wanting the job. If your job involves using English, you may have to do part of the interview in English. In this situation, you need to be able to give the interviewer a very good impression of you – your skills and your suitability for the job. Below, Sean Keegan, a business graduate, talks about the best way to prepare for an interview. Before you read, make a list of the things which you think you would do before an interview.
Well, if somebody’s going for an interview, it’s advisable for them to do their research beforehand – try to find out as much about the company as possible. Perhaps you could talk to someone who works there and find out about the structure of the company and what the people are like.Also, if they are a large firm, you will probably be able to get information about them, either through brochures or company advertising, or on the internet. My advice is to read as much of this as possible. In an interview, one of the most common questions is,‘Why did you leave your last job?.’ I’d advise people to be positive, even if you are leaving your job because you don’t like it. Don’t say,‘Because I didn’t like the boss’, but think about why you want this particular job. Maybe you’re looking for a new challenge? Think about how your skills relate to the job on offer.’
  1. According to Sean Keegan, what two things should you do when you are preparing for an interview?
  2. What should you avoid during the interview?


  1. Speak to someone who works in the company (if you can); read as much as possible about the company.
  2. Avoid saying negative things about your previous job.

The keys to effective interviews

If you are going for an interview, prepare yourself by following the five steps below.

  1. Find out as much as possible about the company which you have applied to.
  2. Read your CV again.You will probably be asked to talk about the achievements you have written about in more detail.
  3. Read your covering letter again.Why are the experiences you describe in your letter relevant to this job?
  4. Read the information you have received about the job again.What qualities do you have which match the company’s requirements? Can you give practical examples of your personal qualities? For example, if the job requires someone with good communication skills, think about an example which shows your skills in this area.
  5. Think about what you want to know. Many interviewers will give you time to ask questions at the end of the interview.Try to prepare some questions which show that you have thought a lot about this job.

Interview task

Below are some questions which are often asked at interviews. Match the questions with the correct responses.
  1. Why did you leave your previous job?
  2. What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?
  3. What experience do you have which you think is relevant for this job?
  4. Where do you see yourself in five years time?


  • a) I learn quickly and I’m good with people, and I enjoy taking the initiative. My weakness is that I find it difficult to say ‘no’ if people give me too much work to do
  • b) I’d like to be working on international projects, and use my English language skills.
  • c) I have a lot of experience designing leaflets and advertisements, and I have worked in an international company so I am accustomed to meeting clients from many cultures.
  • d) I felt I wanted to have a new challenge and find a job with more responsibility.
Answer key - 1d; 2a; 3c; 4b


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